Take Back the Night at Cal 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
5pm to 7pm (resource fair starts at 4:30pm)
Upper Sproul Plaza
Take Back the Night is an event where the campus community will come together to shatter the silence against sexual and relationship violence through utilizing various art forms, such as singing, poetry, dancing, and open mic. This year, we will have performers from CalSlam and BareTroupe to name a few. We will also have a brief speech from the Dean of Social Welfare on campus climate and safety.
Check out our event page for more details tinyurl.com/BerkeleyTBTN2013
Please arrive as early as 4:30pm to browse the resource fair, mingle, and snack on food!
This event is open to all community members and we encourage you to spread the word! Get EmpowerU credit! Like TBTN at: https://www.facebook.com/
This event is ADA accessible and sponsored by ASUC, BNOW, and the Gender Equity Resource Center?