Berkeley, California – April 1st 2013
Tonight, the ASUC has passed SB 100, “A Bill to Divest Associated Students of the University of California and UC Berkeley Finances from Corporations Profiting from the Prison Industrial Complex”.
The bill demands that the ASUC remove its current investments from companies that benefit from prison labor. Although the ASUC has investments in numerous companies that benefit tangentially from prison labor, the bill targets companies with direct links; namely, 3M, State Street, and JPMorgan Chase. In addition, the bill requires that the ASUC establish a standing “Ethical Investments Commiee” responsible for “identifying ASUC and campus assets while also formulating proposals that align with fair and equitable labor practices.”
If you would like more information, please contact:
ASUC Senator Klein Lieu (CalSERVE)
510-709-9007 |
CalSERVE Chair, Salih Muhammad
510-301-3027 |
For a copy of the bill, please refer to the document below: