REMINDER: The 2013-14 Annual ASUC Spring Budgeting applications are due MONDAY MARCH 25, 2013 submitted online via CalLink BY 5:00PM, not 5:01PM! See the News Article for more info and the Application link:
***Remember that if you need any information for the application, do not wait until the last day before it’s due. Requests for information during that time will not be honored due to the high volume applicants. You should already have a copy of your group’s Constitution within your group’s records and information regarding how much a group is currently funded and how many years a group has been sponsored may be found on the 2012-13 Budget available to download at:
Below is the general timeline for the ASUC Budget Process. Actual dates and further instructions will be announced soon.
Budget Applications released: March 6, 2013
Budget Applications due: MONDAY MARCH 25, 5PM
Initial Proposals/Appeal Applications Released: EARLY APRIL (exact date TBD)
Appeal Applications Due: MID-APRIL (exact date TBD)
Appeals Meetings: Times to be announced
Spring Budget Finalized in Senate in Final Weeks of Spring Semester 2013
2013-14 ASUC Budget Allocations will become available in group’s Programs account August 2013
Questions? Email