Student Tabling Program Spring 2013
Event Services, part of the ASUC Auxiliary, is managing the Student Group Tabling Program on campus.
Who Can Check Out: Student government and registered student organizations with the LEAD Center.
Available Equipment: We have 75 tables and 150 folding chairs available on a first come, first serve basis.
Where & When to Pick Up: At the POD on Upper Sproul outside MLK after 8:30 am Monday – Friday.
Where & When to Drop off: At the POD on Upper Sproul outside MLK by 5:30 pm Monday – Friday the same day as check out.
Evenings & Weekends: Pick up by 5:30pm and return by 8:30 am the next business day. Groups also have the option of opening the POD after hours between 5:30pm and 11pm for a fee of $50 per hour for Event Staff to manage the POD after hours and check in and out equipment. These requests are due 14 days in advance in order to schedule staff.
Where You Can Table: The entire red brick area in front of Sproul Hall is a fire lane –no tables can be placed on the red bricks. If you wish to table at Sather Gate, please make reservation with Event Services; available area is to the right of Sather Gate only. The left hand side is managed by the Music Department.
Amplified Sound: If you plan to have amplified sound you may do so between the hours of 12:00pm-1:00pm and 5:00pm-7:00pm. Outside these hours you must receive approval from all surrounding building coordinators. Sound past 10 pm requires campus approval.
Canopies (tents): If you are planning to have a canopy you must have an approved display permit through Event Services:
Food: If you plan to distribute food you must have an approved food permit with you at your table: If you plan to have a BBQ you must have an approved BBQ permit with you at your table:
Power: Request power at least 7 days prior to your event through Event Services. There is a fee.
Fundraising: If you are selling items you must have an approved fundraising permit on hand: If cash is being exchanged you must meet with UCPD to discuss campus cash-handling policy.
NO COMMERCIAL activity is allowed on Upper Sproul.
Missing or Damaged Equipment: If equipment is not returned by 8:30am the following business day, the student group is blocked for one month from checking out equipment. A fee of $50 per table and $15 per chair will be charged to your group the following business day at 5pm for any missing or damaged equipment. Until the fee is paid the group is blocked. For example if a group checks out tables on Monday and does not return on Tuesday morning, at 9am the group will be blocked for 1 month, and at 5pm the group will be charged the fee and will be blocked until the fee is paid.