Lower Sproul Redevelopment
Construction update
February 12, 2013
Below is an update on construction activity related to the Lower Sproul Redevelopment program. Please note that construction activity can change based onweather and unforeseen conditions and that all dates are subject to change.
Bancroft Way
Walking on Bancroft: sidewalk closed, path near garage open until March 1
* The footpath from Bancroft Way to Lower Sproul plaza, located on the west side of Eshleman Hall, will remain open to pedestrians until March 4; the date has been extended to allow for event parking during the weekend. On March 4 there will be no access from Bancroft directly to Lower Sproul plaza, except for the stairway near Telegraph Ave. For pedestrian paths in place through May 2013, please see
Projects/LowerSproul/Details. html Passenger drop off and business deliveries
* There is now a white passenger drop zone on Bancroft Way at Dana Street. Until March 4, passengers can travel from this drop zone to Lower Sproul plaza via the footpath on the west side of Eshleman Hall. After March 4, access will be via Spieker Plaza.
* All of the above changes are expected to remain in place for the duration of construction, which is expected through Fall 2015.
Anthony Hall
* Work on the chimney is scheduled to be complete next week.
* Installation of new flooring is complete. Final cleaning and waxing is scheduled to take place the week of Feb. 25.
* Work on building mechanical and utility systems is complete.
* Cabinets and shelving installation is scheduled to continue through this week.
* Bathroom mirrors, fixtures and accessories are scheduled for installation next week.
* Work on exterior concrete, including the front entry, continues.
* Exterior site lighting is scheduled to be installed starting next week.
* Landscaping work will follow the structural and other building improvements. This exterior work is scheduled to take place March-April 2013, weather permitting.
Cesar Chavez
* Concrete removal of small (2’ x 2’) areas is scheduled to take place this week near the Golden Bear restaurant, to allow for investigation of the waterproofing underneath. Jackhammering to remove the concrete is scheduled to take place early in the day to minimize any disruption.
* The concrete steps in front of the north entrance to the Art Studio need to be replaced with a ramp. Removing the existing path (jackhammering) is scheduled to take place Monday Feb. 18, which is a campus holiday. A concrete pour for the new path is scheduled for Tues. Feb. 19. While this work is underway the studio will be accessible via the south doors.
* Construction in the restrooms continues with concrete and waterproofing work this week. Activity scheduled next week includes framing new walls. Restroom work is scheduled to continue through mid-March 2013.
* Hazardous materials removal continues. This removal work will be done under strict controls and supervision, following all applicable regulations. Constant air monitoring will be done in and outside the facility, with daily reports of air monitoring results provided to the contractor overseeing site safety as well as to campus staff on the project team.
Air monitoring will continue for the duration of the hazardous materials removal activity as well as throughout demolition of the existing building. Monitoring stations have already been established at the periphery of the job site as well as in nearby locations. Anyone with questions or concerns about air quality should contact Christine Shaff, UC Berkeley Facilities Services, at 510 643-4793 or David Scrimger, UC Berkeley Environment, Health & Safety, at 510 642-0359.
Hazardous materials removal is scheduled to be complete in March, 2013.
* Interior demolition is also underway.
* Demolition of the exterior of Eshleman is scheduled to begin in late May, following the end of the academic year.
MLK Jr Student Union
* The bookstore, located on levels 1 and 2 of the building, is scheduled to close on Feb. 15 to move out of the MLK Jr. Student Union; the store will open Tuesday Feb. 19 in its new temporary location at 2470 Bancroft Way. For more detail about the move please visit
Lower Sproul Plaza and MLK Garage
* Access to Lower Sproul Plaza from the stairways near Bancroft at Telegraph (to the lower level of the bookstore); from upper Sproul Plaza; and from Alumni House will be maintained for the next semester. Access via the breezeway at Cesar Chavez will also be maintained. For a map of pedestrian pathways in the area please seehttp://www.cp.berkeley.edu/CP/
Projects/LowerSproul/Details. html * Future changes to those access points and to the plaza are planned and will be shared in advance.
* Investigative work and utility relocation continues in the MLK Garage. Limited parking is impacted by this work, which is covered with steel plates after hours.
* The MLK Garage is scheduled to close March 4, 2013. It is scheduled to be closed for the duration of construction. After March 4 there will be no access to the garage except for construction personnel.
* Foundation shoring work is scheduled to begin in the garage on March 4.
Please share this information as appropriate.
Weekly construction updates will be sent via email; if you would like to receive them directly please send a request to cshaff@berkeley.edu. The updates will also be posted on the web at lowersproul.berkeley.edu and www.facilities.berkeley.edu/
CP/Projects/LowerSproul/ Details.html Questions or concerns about Lower Sproul Redevelopment construction should be directed to Christine Shaff, UC Berkeley Capital Projects, at 510 643-4793 or cshaff@berkeley.edu
Questions about the Lower Sproul Redevelopment program should go to lsinfo@berkeley.edu