Hello Community!
It is my pleasure to announce that the Ethnic Studies 5th Account is now active for the Spring semester of 2013!
What is the 5th Account?
The 5th account is a source of money made available for student groups on campus to seek assistance for programming and events that reflect the Ethnic Studies vision. The Ethnic Studies Department was created with the vision that people of color would overcome the discrimination they faced and rise above the socioeconomic, political, and historical barriers that have kept them oppressed since the beginning of this country’s history. The Ethnic Studies Department will only fund events that are all-inclusive of different ethnic communities. We believe in funding events that educate various communities about what the founders and students of Ethnic Studies believe in.
Where can you apply?
Applications are now available online via Cal Link. Hard copies have also been made available in Room 102 Hearst Gym.
When/Where should you hand in your application?
The first meeting of the semester will be February 27th 2013 at 3:00 in the Barbara Christian Conference room on the 5th floor of Barrows. Meetings are held biweekly. There will be a mailbox in room 102 Hearst Gym to hand in your application. You must hand in your application prior to a meeting in order to be considered on the agenda for the follow week. The Ethnic Studies 5th Account Chair will contact you through the information on your application with further instructions.
**Please make sure to read the application thoroughly and fill out all necessary forms in order to be put on the agenda. Incomplete and late proposals will not be reviewed. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at 5thaccountchair@gmail.com