Check out Pacific Islander Vote 2012, an initiative to get Pacific Islander students engaged in the 2012 Elections. This is their description:
As Pacific Islanders, we take pride in our ability to survive no matter the circumstances. That survival spirit comes from the sweat and tears of those who navigated before us, who struggled for us, and who dreamed so we can thrive. Our success is defined by the dreams our parents have for their children, and our children’s commitment to overcoming their parents’ struggles. As the fala symbolizes our woven strength in community and sharing, we must realize our power through those collective voices as we stand together. For our generation and for those to come, we elevate our voices to rebuke the invisibility that has muted us. We must engage in meaningful activities that affect policy decisions that will shape our communities’ success. We must start by standing together on November 6th 2012 in saying, “I am Pacific Islander, and I voted!” Elevate Your Voice! Vote! Pacific Islander Vote 2012.
Remember, the deadline to register to vote is: October 22, 2012. You can register to vote online here or come to the Vote Coalition table on Sproul!
Like their Facebook fan page:
Follow their twitter: @PIVote2012