Check out Pacific Islander Vote 2012, an initiative to get Pacific Islander students engaged in the 2012 Elections. This is their description: As Pacific Islanders, we take pride in our ability to survive no matter the circumstances. That survival spirit comes from the sweat and tears
Dear Cal Student Organizations, PwC is excited about the new school year and has several events to introduce your members to PwC and Professional Services – Consulting, Audit, and Tax! Please circulate this email to your members so that they can participate in the upcoming PwC
Come join the Cal VSA (Cal Vietnamese Student Association) for their first general meeting this Wednesday from 7:15-10:00pm at 200 Wheeler! For more information, click here:
Come to the Cal Dems First General Meeting this Thursday at 8pm in 223 Dwinelle! For more information, click here:
If you are a student passionate in working on housing advocacy within the ASUC, check out the following opportunities to get involved and become a leader at Cal. To apply, please contact our EAVP at Cal Housing Commission Director Serve as the chai
Today is the day: come out to kick off the 2012 Elections in style. Together with the Cal Berkeley Democrats, ASUC Senator Klein Lieu will be hosting a BBQ at UC Berkeley’s Memorial Glade today from 1:00-3:00pm. Come out to hear elected officials and candidates speak, for food a
Check out Senator Lieu’s work on Berkeley SafeRenting featured on the Daily Cal:
Berkeley SafeRenting: UC BERKELEY ASUC SENATOR KLEIN LIEU CREATES WEB APPLICATION TO HELP TENANTS FIND SEISMICALLY SAFE HOUSING August 10, 2012 Contact: Senator Klein Lieu, Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) 510.709.9007 *** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Berkeley, CA, July 24, 2012. Today the Senate of the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) held an electronic vote on SB 212, “A Bill in Support of Closing All Accounts at Bank of America”. By passing SB 212, the Senate has officially voted to move all funds out o
From the United States Student Association: As you might have heard the U.S. Supreme Court is planning on deciding the future of equal opportunity. In the case of Fisher v. University of Texas, the Supreme Court will be reconsidering its 2003 precedent in allowing colleges and univers