– FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – ASUC Senate passes CalSERVE bill supporting Proposition 30 September 12th: On Wednesday evening, the ASUC Senate approved SB 11, authored by Senator Klein Lieu (CalSERVE), which makes support for Governor Brown’s Proposition 30 official ASUC policy. This bill
Hey UC Berkeley, Have your voices heard! Support Prop 30 tonight at 7pm at the Senate Chambers in Eshleman Hall. For more information, go to: https://www.facebook.com/events/461538233886445/ Also, a number of community members have expressed that the ASUC has not published the amended
To our respected community members and allies, It is crucial more than ever that we, as a community, as allies in solidarity, come together to rally in support for California’s Proposition 30 which will keep our public education system as stable as possible. With the threat of m
Check out Pacific Islander Vote 2012, an initiative to get Pacific Islander students engaged in the 2012 Elections. This is their description: As Pacific Islanders, we take pride in our ability to survive no matter the circumstances. That survival spirit comes from the sweat and tears
Come to the Cal Dems First General Meeting this Thursday at 8pm in 223 Dwinelle! For more information, click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/256769301093117/
Today is the day: come out to kick off the 2012 Elections in style. Together with the Cal Berkeley Democrats, ASUC Senator Klein Lieu will be hosting a BBQ at UC Berkeley’s Memorial Glade today from 1:00-3:00pm. Come out to hear elected officials and candidates speak, for food a
(Originally written for the Democratic National Committee Blog) My name is Klein Lieu, and I was born and raised in East Oakland, CA. I am currently an undergraduate and student Senator at UC Berkeley, and I know I would not have gotten here had it not been for the breadth of social p